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We invite you on a 50-day journey of spiritual practices.

Each week at our Sunday services, we will teach on a spiritual practice (e.g. Bible reading, prayer, sabbath, etc.). Then daily we invite you to participate in a short, unique exercise of that particular practice for the week. The idea is to give you a taste of various ways you can engage in the spiritual practices, so that, through these 50 days, you can discover the practices that really resonate with you. Our prayer & goal is that, after the 50 days, you begin to incorporate some of the practices regularly into your own life. We encourage you to try all the spiritual practices through these 50 days, even if you think some of them are a little odd or awkward for you – treat it as an experiment! You don’t know what will work well until you try! If you miss a day or two, that’s ok, just pick back up with the current day. Most of the daily practices take only about 15 minutes, but you could choose to make it last much longer, if you desire. The one exception is that the practices on Saturday tend to take a little more time. The goal of spiritual practices is for you to nurture your relationship with God and invite God’s transformation in your life.

Week 1: Scripture Reading
Week 2: Generosity / Stewardship
Week 3: Sabbath
Week 4: Silence / Listening to God
Week 5: Celebration
Week 6: Simplicity
Week 7: Spiritual Community

Please Note: a number of the practices you will be trying have been taken from the book “Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices that Transform Us” By Adele Ahlberg Calhoun and from the “How to Unhurry: Workbook” By John Mark Comer. They deserve credit for a lot of these practices over the next 50 days! They’re great resources, if you want to try even more practices.

Enjoy this 50-day journey!

Scripture Reading

Generosity / Stewardship


Silence / Listening to God



Spiritual Community
