The 2025 Legacy HomePoint Conference at Hillside is set for February 21 & 23 and is poised to be an enlightening journey toward building intentional families.

We kick off the conference on February 21st, where grandparents will have the opportunity to attend the National Legacy Grandparenting Summit simulcast. Check out this promotional video.


On February 23rd, attendees will have the opportunity to select two of five unique, 45-minute sessions, each tailored to address specific facets of family dynamics.

The HomePoint conference will culminate with an illuminating session led by special guest, Sarah Fletcher on creating healthy family habits during different seasons of parenting. Special children's programming will be available during the conference. (limited spaces)

Be sure to check out the list of sessions below.


Screen’s, who is in Control?

Have you ever wondered how much screen time is too much screen time? Does prolonged screen exposure effect your child’s ability to listen, respond in a kind manner or just have a full-blown meltdown when asking them to turn it off? Pastor Chad wants to explore these questions with you. Chad and his wife Sarah have spent many years wrestling with this topic in real time. Come hear insights they have discovered together in this session with practical take home applications.

Presenter: Pastor Chad and his wife Sarah have 3 boys who love playing basketball, video games, and the outdoors. They love their weekly times together for “Fletcher Family Friday Fun Night”. Chad, the Pastor of Community & Connection at Hillside is passionate about helping families grow in their faith and helping couples have strong vibrant marriages. Oh . . . and he loves to scuba dive every chance he gets. 

Deconstruction of Faith

Our students live in a culture that encourages them to question everything, discover their “own” truth, and pursue what feels good. As Christian parents, we find ourselves in a predicament when, all of a sudden, our students begin to question their faith and start to push back on church. It’s natural to wonder how to approach these conversations. What can you say? How can you respond in a way that fosters understanding and support? In this seminar, Roger will share insights about the current deconstruction movement and discuss its potential impacts on this generation. He will explain why this movement can be particularly destructive for our students while offering practical ways to engage with your teenager during this difficult time. You’ll learn how to respond lovingly and thoughtfully, helping your child feel heard and valued as they navigate their faith journey.

Presenter: Pastor Roger has been our Youth Specialist at Hillside since 2014 and has 30+ years of working with students and their families. His insights are very valuable.  Roger is married, has three grown children and enjoys a challenging hike and a good cup of coffee.

Parenting the Early Years

Most would agree that the early years of parenting can be some of the most challenging. Discover how you can not only survive but THRIVE while intentionally developing little disciples. Come and hear real-life examples, learn helpful tips, share resources, and leave feeling equipped to equip the next generation!

Presenter: Sarah is a Clinical Nurse Specialist by trade and a volunteer Children’s Ministry Director at Tidal Church. With over 15 years of children’s ministry experience, Sarah is passionate about seeing kids grow in their faith in God through deep and meaningful experiences. As a mom of three, Sarah believes in keeping it real and laughter being the best medicine! 

Third Culture Kids

Did you know that there are 281 million people in the world living outside their home country, 41 million of whom are young people? The transition process of third-culture kids and immigrant families has become an increasingly important topic, especially as Canada continues to welcome new families. Developing a heart that understands the challenges behind these transitions can empower us to make a meaningful difference in helping and supporting families and young people as they rediscover their identity and sense of belonging.

Presenter: Claudia arrived in Canada in 2021 with her husband and two children. She had been involved with Youth For Christ (YFC) Bolivia since 2016 and became part of the YFC Moncton staff in 2022. November 2024, she joined the staff team at Hillside Baptist Church.  In Bolivia, Claudia worked as a dentist, but she feels her immigration journey has led her to hear God’s calling to work with families and young people, realizing that God has bigger plans for her life. Recently, she began focusing on third-culture kids, driven by her desire for all young people and families in transition to find their sense of belonging, identity, and hope in God.

The Secret to a Great Marriage is…?

How do we work on our marriage, when raising a family takes so much of our time? Do we leave the crumbs for our spouse after work and sports and church functions? How can we more intentionally grow our marriage from good to great? Come learn secrets that will move you towards a greater marriage!

Presenters: Jay and Sharon are committed Christ followers and have desired to help others discover the same. They both attended Kingswood University in Sussex, New Brunswick and have lived in both Canada and the United States since 1985 when they were married and when they launched into full time ministry. Along the way, they have been blessed with raising five sons. Home life was very active through the years with church, sporting and family activities and events. They now have three wonderful daughters-in-law and five amazing grandchildren. Jay and Sharon have as their family value – “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  Currently Jay and Sharon serve part time as Co-Pastors of Browns Flat Fellowship at Beulah Camp and Conference Center and have launched in 2022 a new ministry called “Made for More Ministries” providing coaching, counselling, and retreats for Christian leaders. Learn more at www.madeformoreministries.ca

Main Session

In a world that is constantly spinning with chronic busyness, it’s easy to fall into the trap of just reacting to the demands of the day—rushing from one activity to the next, trying to keep up with the never-ending list of to-dos. But as parents, we are called to something more. God doesn’t want us to parent by default; He calls us to parent with intention, with purpose, and with a vision for the spiritual growth of our children. One of the ways we can do this is by establishing holy habits—daily practices that help shape our hearts, our homes, and the hearts of our children toward God. These habits may seem small or simple, but they have the power to create lasting change when woven into the fabric of our family life. It’s not about adding more to our already full plates it’s about making space for what truly matters.

Presenter: Sarah Fletcher is a Registered Social Worker with the Province of New Brunswick. She graduated from St. Thomas University with a Bachelor of Social Work in 2007 and went on to complete her Masters of Social Work from Dalhousie University in 2011. She has worked as a counsellor for 17 years.  She runs her own private practice, “Made to Thrive Counselling” and has a contract with Crandall University to provide on-campus mental health services. She also is the Supervisor of Inter-Country Adoption for the Province of New Brunswick. Sarah is passionate about helping people learn skills to improve their lives and to help them see hope for the future. She loves working with couples and families to strengthen their relationships and learn to thrive. She has been married to her husband, Chad, for 19 years and they have 3 amazing boys. They love spending time together playing games, sports and going on outdoor adventures.

AGENDA - Sunday, Feb 23rd

9:30 & 11:15
Regular Service Times with Speaker: Sarah Fletcher
Focus: Living intentionally, Chronic Busyness

2:45 – 6:00
Home Point Conference

Drop off Children for families who have pre-registered (no walk in’s please)

Opening: One Song + Door Prize + Instructions for breakout rooms

3:15 – 4:00
Breakout Sessions #1 = 5 Sessions (all sessions offered twice)


Breakout Sessions #2 = 5 Sessions (all sessions offered twice)


Main Session (Auditorium) Sarah Fletcher, Mental Health focus.
Healthy Family Habits during different seasons of parenting.

Pick up Children